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Gurutej Unbreakable


Deep Gratitude Personal Note: Gurutej is a wonderful influence, personal friend to DG and the person who brings many of these teachers to you. Her courses are a combination of spirituality, practicality, yoga and life work that we find so refreshing, effective and life changing. If you take her course and practice it you will see and feel real change. Mark our words.


What the heck does unbreakable mean anyway?

That you become hard like steel? Ha! Unbreakable truly means able to recover quickly after challenging or shattering situations.

Unbreakable doesn’t mean getting hard and tight. It means — to get so empowered that you know how to get back-up quickly after life’s challenges knock you about. Life guarantees that you will be challenged it’s only what you do with the challenges. I hold everyone needs a better life tool kit.

This Is For You, If You Wish:

    • You had more energy.
    • You had better life tools, tips and techniques in coping with life.
    • You want support in creating stellar habits that uplevel your life.
    • You had the all precious “more time”.

You Will Learn:

    • The secrets to easy energy.
    • To become truly unbreakable in times of stress.
    • Habits that will support you, THE REAL YOU, to get through anything. Yes anything.

If you want:

Easy, powerful tools to support you in creating habits to truly support you in all situations in your life then join me.

I created this for you to have priceless tools and be supported each step of the way with me. I trust you are smart enough to jump in. I created a price point that you can’t resist it. So you can be resilient not resistant.

I just wanted you to know that this amazing product was the inspiration of my business coach. She said you need something really inexpensive that can support your tribe. So here it is with lots of video support for you to become truly Unbreakable.

This is for you if you are smart and ready to claim your “Unbreakable” nature.

Remember this is only for you if you want more grace and ease in your life. If you don’t then pass. if you do….. I salute youthe essence of you.

Unbreakable is the true essence of you. Let’s feed her/him or as Yogi Bhajan use to say HE/SHE//IT to work with and for you. Divine Habits makes your divine essence come to life.

I made this so easy for you to say yes that if you don’t I will wonder what you are waiting for.

Kind of like the story of The Rescue where the man resists the car that comes by to rescue him, then the boat, then the plane claiming he was waiting for God to rescue him. He drowns and then berates God for not coming to the rescue. The Divine said “I sent a car, a boat and a plane. You have declined all my invitations.”

Gurutej brings a simple elegance in sharing profoundly transformational tools. Read what she says. Listen to the tone of her messages for you. Feel the vibration of her heart. You will discover what “Unbreakable” really means.
– Keith Lyons Producer of Simply Raw Reversing diabetes in 30 days

Will you accept my invitation to support you in becoming Unbreakable.

In truth it’s the journey, the awareness, the joy, your unbreakable being that counts not just the where, not just the acquisition of the goods. Are your goods supporting your good?

I want to support you in cultivating the tools encoded within this program. Explore them so you actually cultivate habits that will support you in becoming truly unbreakable, in the best sense.

So you can:

Gain a resiliency and the ability to acknowledge the challenge, learn the lesson, incorporate the lesson and come back stronger and more connected to everything especially your life, your journey with empowered grace.

Ready for that then please jump in. I will catch you and share all the great tools I have gathered in the last many years that have kept me and thousands of others unbreakable.

$97.00Add to cart

Ready for that then please jump in. I will catch you and share all the great tools I have gathered in the last many years that have kept me and thousands of others unbreakable.

Gurutej is a gift to the planet. She is authentic and powerful, yet practical. Every process she gives you is something you can easily practice. And she’s a generous giver. So what you get for the price is really valuable. You’ll love this course as much as I do. It’s not overwhelming and you can do it at your own pace. If you want to find ways to get through and rise above challenges, this is like an emergency toolkit!!
– Lisa Winston Quantum Success Coach


For over 40 years, Gurutej has been living her destiny and continues to awaken the spirit of all she touches. As one of Yogi Bhajan’s original students, Gurutej emerged as a founding practitioner of Kundalini. Through his instruction and spiritual guidance, Gurutej is considered a foremost authority on Kundalini Yoga and internationally recognized as one of a handful of Kundalini Yoga Masters.


Through yoga, chanting, meditation, healing and proven stress and health management systems she teaches people how to connect to their higher consciousness. As a prolific writer, Gurutej is an author to 3 popular books including: A Slice of the Beloved, Yoga for Relationships, The Moon She Rocks You, Revealing the Secrets of Women’s Inner Emotions, and The 13th Month: How to Get an Extra 29 Days Each Year. She has also developed transformative powerful online courses: The Moon She Rock You, Empower Your Essence, and I am Empowered. Gurutej has the depth, breath, insight and training to help you with all those issues of love, success, balance, emotions, discipline and much more. Work on your obstacles and found out who you are with this extraordinary teacher. When not traveling the world and teaching Gurutej can be found at The Blessings Center in the Beverly Hills area.

Gurutej released 4 professionally produced instructional yoga videos, two of which were listed by some rating agencies as top ten yoga videos of all time.

She has been featured in Vogue, L.A. Yoga, Yogi Times, Fit Yoga, Common Ground,, The Discovery Channel, Brave Heart Woman, and MTV.

She was featured on national TV in Bolivia on behalf of women’s rights.

Learn more about Gurutej on her site –

$97.00Add to cart

I have often thought a manual for life should be issued at birth. Now Gurutej has created one. WOW… is all I can say! The concepts and processes seem so simple, but I can attest to what a BIG difference they have made in my life. If you want to be empowered and live a life of grace, do the work, it’s worth it.
– Lorraine Craig, CFP®, MBA in Financial Planning | Minneapolis, Minnesota

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