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Dorothy Kuhn – Your Irresistible Future


Hi, I’m Dorothy Kuhn. When life knocked me down again and again, I’d complained.

Then one day I said “No more!” Being nice and working hard was not getting me the results I wanted or the respect I deserved.

You don’t have to spend 10 years and tens of thousands of dollars like I did.

Let’s get started!



Your Irresistible Future
in 5 simple lessons

From the desk of Dorothy Kuhn, The Powerful Feminine Leadership Mentor
Dear friend,


  • You feel that if you’re nice or good and work hard, you’ll go far … but it hasn’t worked that way.
  • You see others move with confidence, and wonder how they do it.
  • Too often you drag yourself out of bed, not looking forward to the day.
  • You find yourself supporting others, but supporting-you-back doesn’t often happen.
  • Or maybe you’re waiting for permission, an invitation, an opening.


  • You clearly see the future that’s been waiting for you – at last!
  • You breathe and move with greater ease and a sense of knowing.
  • Others admire your new-found confidence. And want to help.
  • You know how to invite help.
  • You know what you want and you know you’ll find a way to get it.



Because desire is a gift. A gift that opens your eyes and aligns your senses. So you notice who can help and how to move forward.
Because clarity makes it real. Nearly tangible. Attracting others. Clarity is actionable.

Here’s the brutal truth

Without desire, nothing happens.
Without clarity, action is unfocused.
To confidently order your steps, you must know your future.

If you’re tired of not getting what you want in life, there is a solution.


“So many good experiences.” – T. Wilson

The truth is, so many people give away their own power – over themselves. The power that is the gift of knowing why and for what you are here.
To often, you can find your life and steps are almost dictated by the needs and demands of others.

That’s why I created:

Your Irresistible Future … in 5 simple lessons

This program is designed to help you create the life you want. So you feel wonderful now, and can look back on your life without regret.

$597.00Add to cart


Here’s a small taste of what we will cover in the program:

  • How to mine your past for the gold that paves the path to your future
  • How to discover which are the most compelling for you
  • How to see what unites your past experiences
  • How to take the best of your past to create the foundation for your future
  • How to find what you want most.

A Sneak Peek at What You’ll Get Inside the Powerful
Your Irresistible Future program


Dorothy guides you to “mine your past” for the gold that paves the path to your future.


You’ll be guided to discover your most compelling passions.


How to see what unites your past experiences.


How to take the best of your past to create the foundation of your future.


How to find what you want most.


Get your Next Best Move as you create Your Irresistible Future!

$597.00Add to cart

Ten FAQ’s

1. What if I don’t like my past?
Not to worry! You’ll be guided to focus on the best of your experiences – even if you don’t believe it now, you have some, after all, you made it through those difficult times. You’re here! This program guides you to notice them. Find them. Appreciate them. It helps you increase your gratitude and appreciation, no matter if you wonder how it can work for you. The greater your doubt, the more powerful your results can be!

2. What if I’m already in a program or with a coach that covers strategy?
Ask yourself this: How’s it working so far? Since you’re reading this, I’m guessing it could be better. So Yes, this program can empower any coaching program and make what you’re doing better, simpler and faster. Surpassing what you are doing with your coach alone. It’s that good.

3. What if I’m already super-busy with work, family and struggling to keep it together? Would this just add to my pile?
If you are super-busy with work, family and struggling to keep it together, ask yourself this: What would my life be like if I could easily say “no” to things that don’t fuel my soul and my life. What would your life be like when you’re focused on what really counts for you? This program is a lifeline for those who are super-busy!


4. What are the tangible results I’ll get from discovering my irresistible future?
Tangible results: Clarity on what moves you forward and what holds you back. Greater ease in saying “no thanks” to things that don’t help create the life you’re born to live. People noticing your new and growing sense of confidence. You increasing your ability to lead and influence. You inviting others who want to support you. You becoming a better leader.

5. What if I have already taken courses and paid coaches to help me with this and it didn’t work?
That’s because a lot people teach strategy but they don’t understand that strategy falls short unless your future is clear. What’s your path? I’m going to help you understand yourself at a new and deeper level. I know this because I studied and practiced during ten years of deep work with the best in personal development experts on the planet. I created this program as the fastest path to inner peace, confidence and getting results.

6. What’s the real world return on my investment
While I can’t – and no one can – put an exact number on YOUR ROI because its different for everybody. But if I were to tell you my overall experience about it I’d say “its worth hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your life, profession or business. Mastering these skills I’m teaching puts you in the game of Your life .. not someone else’s”. Here’s my question for you: “What’s it costing you right now to keep helping others without also getting what you want?” Bottom line: Even at full price, this program is worth 10X the investment… easily.

7. What if I’m too busy to focus on it right now? Wouldn’t it be a waste of money?
If you’re too busy then this program is exactly what you need to invest your time in NOW. This course is made for busy people. It’s designed with you in mind and it’s THE SOLUTION to your busyness problem. Do you want to just stay busy? Or do you want solve that and get back to living a real life? Do you want to make the most out of your life, your profession, your business? Or do you want to be busy building the dreams of others again and again? Since you’ve read this far, my guess is no. Drop your other commitments temporarily and invest the time now to get clear on what moves you into the future your soul has for you. You’ll love the confidence it gives you!

8. I’m a parent with kids/family, will this help me
Yes. It’s designed with busy people in mind and that includes parents of grown children and small children as well as women (or men) who have an entire family to take care of on their own. Parentpreneurs truly love the clarity and confidence this course gives them. It allows them to spend more time with their loved ones and to have more free time.

9. Its seems like a lot of work
I want to be 100% honest with you: This program will require you to work and exert effort to get the most out of it. But that’s what any worthwhile goal requires. If you want to step into the life your soul has for you, first you must discover what it is – and it’s often nothing like what you think it is. It’s probably not what your relatives or friends told you it is. Uncover its power, hiding within you. The life you are meant to live is waiting for you.

10. What if the idea of my Irresistible Future scares me?
Fantastic! My scared clients are often my most successful. Why? Because within lies a mighty future that is yours for the taking. Of course it’s scary! And my clients find the ‘ride’ wows them. It all starts with knowing your future. As though you could see it before you and hear its music.

11. How can I help you?
As you know we’re talking about my program “Your Irresistible Future”. With its 5 modules what you’re going to get is a comprehensive course and system as well as a set of tools for you to actually create the future that your life, profession or you business must fulfill. So you become the person you are divinely inspired to be! Doing what you’re uniquely designed to do.
This is a both a practical and an inspiring program that is based on simple steps that reveal your deepest desire for the future that is yours for the taking. By going through this program you will have the clarity to know what to say “Yes” to, and the confident peace of mind to say “No” to the rest. This course will help you end the difficulties of too much action, but not enough satisfaction. Help you end too much other-only focus and create a balanced “myself-and-other” focus. It will help you boost your confidence and invite great help as you move forward.

I look forward to serving you in the Your Irresistible Future program!

$597.00Add to cart

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